Vanessa Avery

Vanessa Avery

Employment and education:

Vanessa graduated from 91°µÍø with her AAS, administrative secretary in 2000. Vanessa is the administrative assistant at 91°µÍø-Beardstown.

How has Lincoln Land Community College impacted your life?

I started as a student at 91°µÍø-Jacksonville out of necessity. I had four kids at home with the youngest in diapers, and a husband who had recently had a heart attack. If I lost him, I would have to raise my children on welfare because I couldn’t take care of them with little or not income. I had applied for a job at our local police department and passed the English portion of the test, but not the computer portion. I told my husband I needed to have an education so I could get a job that would support me and the children if something happened to him, and that I would need his support to be able to accomplish this. With my husband and my mother’s help I had the advantage of having someone to watch my kids. I couldn’t have attended school without their help.

I started school scared to death, not knowing if I could do it or not and I was very, very shy, but found that I loved college and the people at 91°µÍø! I excelled at my classes and was able to come out of my shell and start associating with people more. As I was studying at 91°µÍø-Jacksonville, I started as a student worker. With encouragement and guidance from Rosa Sides, Tom Smith, Jim Coup and Jan Terry, I became more and more outgoing and able to see my abilities to become a successful person. I then worked myself up to a part time person in the evenings and also finished my internship at the Jacksonville center!

When I graduated, I was the first one in my family to graduate with an associates degree and my family was very proud of me, and I was proud of myself. I went to work right away as a secretary for a local occupational doctor, but a position at the Beardstown center opened up and I jumped at the chance and was hired.

I started as a customer service representative working 30 hours a week and with Donna Martin’s help and encouragement, I worked myself up the ladder to a full-time position as administrative assistant. I have been employed at 91°µÍø-Beardstown for 16 years as of Aug. 1! Donna was a mentor, boss and friend for 13 years and I owe her a lot of what she has taught me over the years. I have grown so much from what she, Shanda Byer and the others mentioned about have taught me and I am still learning and growing each and every day. Another important part of 91°µÍø are the students and what they have taught and still teach me. 91°µÍø is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

What is your greatest accomplishment(s)?

Being an 91°µÍø-Beardstown employee and helping students every day.

Was there a professor, advisor, staff member or fellow student who made an impression on you or helped you when you were here at 91°µÍø?

Rosa Sides, Jim Coup, Jan Terry, Tom Smith, Donna Martin, Shanda Byer and many, many, more!

What did you like about 91°µÍø or what is your favorite 91°µÍø memory?

My favorite memory is after 9/11 when the 91°µÍø-Beardstown students and staff got together and had a fundraiser to purchase a flagpole for the front of the center.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Three of my children have received an associates degree from 91°µÍø. I was recognized as a student when I had written work published in The Harvester (now known as The Review).