Saleana Moore

Saleana Moore

Employment and education:

Saleana is a current student at 91°µÍø where she is studying accounting. Saleana currently serves as the student representative on the 91°µÍø Board of Trustees.

How has Lincoln Land Community College impacted your life?

I have been able to grow in my academic career with the support and help I’ve received from 91°µÍø, as a first generation student. 91°µÍø has provided me the opportunity to get involved in the community, on campus, and make a difference in other people’s lives.

What is your greatest accomplishment(s)?

Becoming the first minority female to be the student representative on the board of trustees, and being able to be a young adult making a difference in encouraging other students to be positive and following their dreams.

Was there a professor, advisor, staff member or fellow student who made an impression on you or helped you when you were here at 91°µÍø?

DeAnna Blackwell, TRIO Program; Laurie Clemons, advising and counseling; Michael Phelon, Open Door Mentorship; Marie Watson, student engagement coordinator; Lesley Frederick, VP of student services; Paul Hudson, business professor.

What did you like about 91°µÍø or what is your favorite 91°µÍø memory?

The resources that are available to help students financially, physically, academically, and as women/men. The platform for students to create their own vision on campus.