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91 Academy of Lifelong Learning free book distribution begins Feb. 27

SPRINGFIELD – Beginning this weekend, the Academy of Lifelong Learning (ALL) at Lincoln Land Community College will distribute 1,000 free copies of the book “Lab Girl” by Hope Jahren as part of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Big Read in Sangamon County.

Drive-through book distributions are scheduled:

  • Saturday, Feb. 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at First United Methodist Church, 2941 S. Koke Mill Road
  • Monday, March 1, 4-6 p.m. at Union Baptist Church, 1405 E. Monroe St.

Also on March 1, Lincoln Library, 326 S. 7th St., will begin in-person and curbside distribution of the book by appointment () during regular business hours.

Over 15 local libraries in Sangamon County have copies of “Lab Girl” to give away and for checkout. A copy of “Lab Girl” will also be available in 38 neighborhood Little Libraries. The 91 Library and 91 Outreach Centers will be distributing books to students in March and April.

Those receiving a copy of the book are encouraged to pass it along to a friend after reading or place it in a Little Library for someone to pick up and read.

ALL is one of 84 nonprofit organizations selected to receive an NEA Big Read grant to support a community reading program. Fifty local organizations have partnered with ALL to develop and offer free, fun and educational community-wide book discussions, speakers, interactive programs and arts presentations inspired by the book’s themes during March and April 2021.

Visit www.llcc.edu/nea-big-read-sangamon-county for a full calendar of events, book distribution points and a list of partner organizations.

ALL at 91 offers opportunities for anyone 50 and over to stay mentally and physically active. Classes and activities are planned and led by members who enjoy meeting interesting friends, sharing ideas, exploring topics of interest, learning from one another and having fun.
